ITE Keystone Educators ITE Keystone Educators are teachers and educators, in schools and organizations throughout southern AZ, whose work and dedication to youth help hold the arc of our community together. In nature, keystone species are vital to supporting a resilient and biodiverse ecosystem. Keystone species in the Sonoran Desert include the saguaro cactus and ironwood… Read more »
Deshawn Davis is 19 years old and grew up in Tucson. He’s always enjoyed being outdoors and remembers the first time he learned about the Santa Cruz River in school when he was younger. Deshawn said that when he learned how the river was once flowing with water and supporting a surrounding bosque, he saw… Read more »
Julia’s journey with ITE began with a flier that “wouldn’t leave her alone.” After hearing about ITE from her teacher at City High and seeing fliers everywhere she turned in the school for an internship called Youth Ambassadors for Southwest Cultures (YASWC), she decided she ought to give it a shot. Julia went through an… Read more »
Did you know that you can support ITE by donating your car? If you have a vehicle you’d like to get rid of, you can do so through an organization called CARS and donate to Ironwood Tree Experience! CARS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission “is to provide innovative fundraising and support services for our… Read more »
Diego Huerta, ITE alum since middle school, is taking another step in the unfolding journey of his life. Just this week, he successfully defended his Master’s Thesis, an analysis of chemical effects on a rural mining community, and in a mere matter of days, he’ll be off to Georgetown Law School. Before he left, we… Read more »
The following was written by Madeline Friberg-Landon, who participated in several Ironwood Tree Experience programs and worked as an intern. The Importance of Youth Voice At Ironwood Tree Experience, our goal is to encourage young people to engage with nature and community. I know from personal experience that you can hear about ways to get… Read more »